Where Speed, Efficiency, & Accuracy Align
Team Talk
Check out what some our team members have to say about the AscencioDx® COVID 19 Molecular Diagnostic System and COVID-19.
“Same type of precise scientific equipment that you’ll find in a centralized PCR laboratory.” - Nelson Patterson, CEO
Our assay “is designed to be robust when the virus does change.” - Barry Lutz, Co-Founder and CSO
“It is a molecular test and PCR is one type of a molecular test. This is called a LAMP test.” - Nelson Patterson, CEO
“It is something we can get in the hands of many more people.” - Crissa Bennett, Senior Staff Scientist and Lab Director.
“There’s a lot of consensus around the idea that COVID is going to become endemic like the flu.” - Guy Ellis, Chief Operating Officer
“Earlier, more precise testing… that’s where molecular diagnostics plays a role.” - Nelson Patterson, CEO
“It is a much easier test because it is the lower nasal.” - Crissa Bennett, Senior Staff Scientist and Lab Director.
“What makes this test different is accuracy at the Point of Care.” - Michael Blaivas, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer
“Just as we have a flu season every year, so will we have a COVID season every year.” - Nelson Patterson, CEO
“We have all that same capability in the palm of your hand.” - Crissa Bennett, Senior Staff Scientist and Lab Director.