Where Speed, Efficiency, & Accuracy Align
Introducing The AscencioDx® COVID-19 Test
Features and Benefits:
Fast, accurate, and actionable molecular test results with positives often in as little as 20 minutes
Less than 2 minutes of hands-on time required to set up test
Uses lower nasal swab samples
Provides excellent variant coverage detecting 99.99% of all currently known variants and Omicron subvariants
The test has a built-in redundancy where it detects 3 distinct regions of the SARS-CoV-2 viral genome making it robust against mutation. The detector runs an internal RNA control on every test sample to confirm amplification.
The Procedure:
Instructional Video - Full Length
Instructional Video - Quick Length
Reimbursement Codes & Documentation:
This information is being provided as a reference, for informational purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the health care provider to verify reimbursement policies and select the appropriate CPT and ICD-10- CM codes to accurately reflect patient condition(s) and testing procedure(s).
Click here to access our document library.
Test Name: The AscencioDx COVID-19 Test
CPT Code: 87635
CPT Code Description: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
(Coronavirus disease [COVID-19]), amplified probe technique
LOINC Code(s): 95409-9
National Limit Medicare Coverage: CCI MUE
Medicare Reimbursement: $51.31